GNSS-based metering for vehicle applications and value added road services

Background & Objectives

There have been substantial increases in the amount of traffic that affects most European citizens as the mobility needs of citizens continue to rise. However, the addition of more land-vehicle traffic channels raises a series of problems. In short, the roads that we have need to be made more intelligent. An excellent solution is a fair pay-per-use principle, but individual road pricing has to be determined.

GNSSmeter offers an enhancement of the existing road tolling system. The metering calculation technology presently used is based on GPS. This solution uses a patented innovative and unique calculation approach but today’s GPS-based road-pricing systems will reach their limits if only conventional positioning algorithms or metering algorithms are used. Limiting factors are the non-existent integrity check, a single satellite navigation system and moderate positioning accuracy.

The scope of GNSSmeter addresses the topics of vehicle applications with high public utility and vehicle value-added services.


The PVT solution used will incorporate augmentation data from EGNOS signals in space as well as EDAS. The metering calculation software will use the GNSS raw data forwarded by the PVT software for the already patent-protected metering calculation which is further used for road-pricing calculations. The calculated position, velocity and time from the PVT software will be used to validate the extended metering calculation. Thus the project proposes some significant advantages over the status quo. 

There are several intersections between the work packages in order to form the GNSSmeter project phases. The project is planned to start with the set-up of functional, technical and user requirements, followed by the architecture and design tasks. The next tasks will cover development and integration followed by an extensive test and validation period. All project work is accompanied by the project management task.

Beside technological developments and research tasks, a strong emphasis on commercialisation will enable a fast market introduction of the GNSSmeter system.


The project aims to develop a road-pricing and pay-per-use insurance application system based on a vehicle onboard technology that can be integrated rapidly to an existing market product. The first Galileo signals will be processed and will soon significantly increase the ability for metering calculations, especially in urban canyons. Thus the existing GPS-only receiver chipset will be replaced by an innovative miniaturised GPS/EGNOS/Galileo chipset supporting a tailored acquisition-aiding functionality. 

GNSSmeter can also create accident avoidance applications using more accurate positions and car-to-car communications. GNSSmeter will develop a novel GNSS receiver with sophisticated PVT (position, velocity, time) and metering calculation software. Beside GPS, the receiver integrates EGNOS/EDAS data integrity for reliable metering data determination and augmented position accuracy.

Aichhorn Klaus
Teleconsult Austria GmbH
Schwarzbauerwg 3
Rettenbacherstrasse 22
8043 Graz
EUSPA Project Officer: 
Mrs. Fiammetta Diani
Total Cost: 
615 225 €
EU Contributions: 
493 081 €
Project Call: 
FP7 2nd Call
Contract Number: 

Work performed & results

The GNSSmeter consortium will introduce the integrity and augmentation capabilities of EGNOS and EDAS into an already marketed metering system for road tolling as well as pay-per-use insurance applications.
Additionally, the future Galileo OS signal will be integrated into the system concept. This will result in a significant benefit for urban canyons due to the improved availability, accuracy and integrity. A miniaturised GNSS chipset facilitating GPS/EGNOS/Galileo capability will therefore be integrated.
A highly innovative PVT software will be implemented on the GNSS receiver, which will forward the GNSS raw measurements to the metering calculation software after carrying out several integrity checks in order to fulfil the demanding requirements regarding the charging integrity. This approach is totally novel in road pricing due to the fact that Galileo and EGNOS will be integrated into the unique patent-protected metering calculation software. Due to frequently occurring EGNOS SiS shading (especially in urban environments) the receiver is also capable of receiving and processing EDAS data in order to improve general EGNOS availability.

Photo Gallery

DKE Aerospace Swiss GmbH
CTAE - Aerospace Research & Technology Centre
Skymeter Ltd
United Kingdom

Updated: Oct 10, 2018